in Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, J. Janas (ed.) et al., 69-76, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 174, 2007 [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-8135-6_6]

Trace Formulas for Jacobi Operators in Connection with Scattering Theory for Quasi-Periodic Background

Johanna Michor and Gerald Teschl

We investigate trace formulas for Jacobi operators which are trace class perturbations of quasi-periodic finite-gap operators using Krein's spectral shift theory. In particular we establish the conserved quantities for the solutions of the Toda hierarchy in this class.

MSC2000: Primary 47B36, 37K15; Secondary 81U40, 39A11
Keywords: Scattering, Toda hierarchy, Trace formulas

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